Getting your query results

  1. Select Get results.

    If the query is likely to take some time to complete, a message is displayed letting you know this. You do not have to wait on the query page while the query results are gathered in the background. Continue working on other tasks. When the query is ready, a message is displayed across the top of Objective ECM IQ. It includes a link to the query so that you can view the results.

    You can select Email me when the query is ready in the message to receive an email when the query is finished instead of being notified in Objective ECM IQ. If you do not have an email address saved with your profile, the Email me when the query is ready option will not be available.

  2. View the search results.

    Your query gets listed in the Recent queries pane along with the number of results.

    Listed query results

    The following icons are displayed in the Recent queries pane to identify the query states:



    Number of query results.

    Query ran successfully and returned the number of listed results.

    A query is in progress.

    An error occurred while running the query.

  3. Sort your results by selecting in ascending or descending order by selecting a column heading .

    You can also sort multiple columns at the same time:

    1. Select More button from the Results section toolbar of the query page, then Sort results.
    2. Choose a column from the Add column drop-down list, then select Add.

      The drop-down list only displays the columns that were originally chosen for the query.

    3. When the column is added to the list below, select either Descending or Ascending from its drop-down list.
    4. Add as many columns as need to be sorted. Any columns that no longer need to be sorted can be deleted from the list by selecting close.
    5. The columns are sorted in the order that they are listed. If you would like to change the sort order, select drag for a listed column and drag it to the appropriate position.
    6. Select Apply for a draft or edited query.

      Or select Save and Apply for a saved query.