Selecting how your results are displayed
You can do this either while creating the query or after running the search.
Select Edit Columns that you would like to display for the query results.
The Name column is displayed by default and cannot be removed.
To choose other columns:
Tick the checkbox for an option in the Available column that you would like to display for the query results.
Your selections are listed in the Selected column.
To remove a selected column, untick its checkbox in either the Available or Selected column.
Order your search result columns in the order you would like them to be displayed.
Top to bottom listing in the Selected column is reflected as left to right in the displayed search results.
for a column name and drag it to the position you would like it to be displayed.
Once you have finished, select
In the Max results field, select the maximum number of query results that you wish to be displayed.
Note: The Max Results range is set, using the system preferences MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS_LIMIT and MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS_UPPER_LIMIT, by your Objective administrator.