Viewing group memberships
You can view the groups you are a member of as well as others who are members of that group.
Users are identified by an icon and groups are identified by an icon.
- Select your username in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then .
Expand the Memberships section of your profile Details page to view the groups you are a member of.
The list is displayed in alphabetical order.
You can filter your membership list by entering a Name in the Filter by field. If there are a number of memberships listed, use the numbers at the bottom of the section to move to the next set in the list.
You are able to view a list of other users who are also members of a group that you have membership for. You can view the details of any group member that is listed. If you have the appropriate privileges you can also rename the user. You can also view members of a group if you have the appropriate permissions.
- Select for the group for which you wish to view its members, then Details page. to display its
Expand the Members section of the user group's Details page to view its members.
The list is displayed in alphabetical order.
You can filter the group members list by entering a Name in the Filter by field. If there are a number of group members listed, use the numbers at the bottom of the section to move to the next set in the list.
The selected user group may have membership to other groups. Expand the Memberships section to view the details.