Adding or editing a note to an object
Notes on objects are a useful way of providing yourself and/or others with additional information or reminders about an object. An object with a note is identified by an icon.
The note text can be viewed by hovering your cursor over the icon in the icon gutter (to the left of an object's name) displayed on the Content pane.
- Go to the object you wish to add a note to.
- Select for the object then Details page. to open its
- Select located in the top right of the Summary section of the Details page, then .
- In the newly added Note section, select to add the current date, time and user to the top of the note.
- Enter your note in the textbox.
When you have finished adding your note, select:
• to accept and save your changes and exit edit mode.
• to discard your changes and exit edit mode.
- Go to the object for which you wish to edit a note or to include an additional note.
- Select for the object then Details page. to open its
- Select in the top right-hand corner of the Note section to make the Note textbox editable.
Edit the existing note.
While editing a note you can cut, copy and paste any existing text into the Note textbox using your keyboard shortcut keys - Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V, or right-click menu options.
- To include additional notes, select for the current date, time and user to be added below your existing note, then enter another note.
When you have finished making changes to your note, select:
• to accept and save your changes and exit edit mode.
• to discard your changes and exit edit mode.
- Go to the object that includes the note you wish to delete.
- Select for the object then Details page. to open its
- Select located in the top right of the Summary section of the Details page, then .
- Confirm the deletion.