Using existing filters
Existing task filters are listed on the Tasks pane.

Select Tasks on the left navigation pane and choose to view a list of tasks:
- all tasks assigned to only you or a group that you are a member of
- locked by you
- any suspended tasks
- unlocked tasks.
Tasks are listed on the left.
Optionally, use criteria to further filter your task list.
Select Criteria to expand the section.
All default filters have at least two criteria :
User assigned, locked by or suspended by - depends on whether you are viewing assigned, locked, suspended or unlocked tasks.
Date completed - is blank.
Open an existing criteria and enter a filter value or create a new one.
Saved filters will have criteria you saved them with.
Select Get results and the task list refreshes after the criteria is applied.
- Select show/hide specific columns in the results. if you wish to