Creating extenders (custom actions)

As an Objective administrator you can create custom actions (extenders) that enable specific functionality such as the creation of an Objective Objective Connect workspace.

Users of Objective ECM will be able to access these custom actions or extenders from:

  • More button for an object card on the Content pane or
  • More button in the top right of the Summary section of an object’s Details page.

Extenders enable custom actions on objects to call a custom URL with metadata attributes of the object. Extenders can be:

  • configured to make a GET request to a custom URL containing metadata attributes of the object, such as the object ID, name, file number or catalogue field value.
  • enabled only on specific object types or sub-types.
  • enabled only for specific users or groups.
  • enabled or disabled based on specific metadata for each object.

For example, an extender on a document can be enabled only if the document is in the draft state.

Tip:  You are only able to create one extender at a time.